Madera Water District

Groundwater Sustainability Agency

2025 Groundwater Sustainability Plan available for Public Comment


With the passage of the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014, the Madera Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MWD GSA) and its Board of Directors are participating in the implementation of the SGMA regulations and working to protect the interests of the landowners within the MWD GSA boundary.

The Madera Water District is an agricultural water district and the MWD GSA currently manages only those beneficial uses that are agricultural in nature.

SGMA Resources

Upcoming Dates & GSA News

Board of Directors’ Meetings: Regular meetings of the MWD GSA’s Board of Directors are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 1663 N. Schnoor Street, Suite 105 in Madera, California, unless otherwise noted.  These meetings are held immediately following the adjournment of the MWD Board of Directors meeting, which begin at 9 a.m.

The regular Board of Directors meeting on January 8, 2025, has been postponed to January 15, 2025.

Madera Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan Public Review: The Madera Subbasin Joint Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) is available for information on the Meetings and Outreach page